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User profiles

RightStart professional tutoring


I am a qualified and experienced teacher / tutor of English and Maths up to GCSE level.

I prepare children for Eleven + and Sats exams.

I also offer English lessons to Foreign students and teach EILTS.

Russian is my first language and I offer Russian lessons to all levels, I have a good experience working in schools and also offer my services as a Russian invigilator for GCSE the Oral Part of the exam.

I am also very passionate about arts and nature and offer Art lessons to children and beginner lessons to adults. I offer commissions and sell some of my art.

I am proud to say that I helped students to achieve their potential.

My prices start from £10 per session. Please ask for more information.

Skills and tasks offered

Academic Tuition



Academic Tuition

Early Years Education




Skills and tasks wanted

I am not looking for any skills or tasks at the moment.


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