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Contact Us

Here at CareToShare we love to hear from our users as we can only get better and improve our service by responding to them.

If you have any suggestions for how your user experience can be improved or technical queries please let us know using the form below, or contact us using the social media links provided. We will always respond to you within 24 hours and are available to meet users who want to give us feedback over a coffee.

Drop us a Line

Press Office

If you're a member of the press, or would like to be notified of press-releases, please email [email protected]

Can't find what you're looking for?

Suggestions for skills & tasks to add? Mail us ([email protected]) any skills or tasks you think we should have listed and we will action this for you!

Can't find a skill or task you'd like to offer or find?

We're always looking for suggestions and additions for the list of skills, tasks and categories that feature on the website.

With a brief bit of information, please list (and if possible, information links) your desired skills and tasks to be added to the website.

Suggestion sent !!

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