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User profiles


People are in a process of development throughout their lives. Because, by nature, people are programmed to be educated and developed. So if you don't develop, you don't produce, you become robotized, and eventually you become someone as you wish. You're here, and now that you've read this, you don't want to be like everyone else. You want to improve yourself and create awareness.
What I want to do is make the difficult issues easy and understandable.
I am a helpful, cheerful, hardworking, understanding, social, tolerant, responsible, sincere, punctual, honest, reliable woman.
I graduated from university. I am an engineer. I have a master's degree in energy and a PhD in hydrogeology. I have received numerous professional and personal development trainings. I teach private lessons and project trainings to teach Turkish. I have been trained and presented in many countries. Since I have project experience in every subject, I write and manage projects in every field and work as a project consultant. I am preparing social projects especially for refugees, women, children and disabled people. I have 25 years of work experience. I read stories to children and teach them geography, geology and mathematics, self-confidence.
If you call me, you'll have something to learn from me about education.

Skills and tasks offered


Academic Tuition


Gardening & Horticulture

Academic Tuition



Travel Tips





Christmas Tasks


Christmas Tasks

Skills and tasks wanted

Academic Tuition



Academic Tuition

Hair And Beauty

Board Games

Early Years Education


Travel Tips

Home Swap


Personal Grooming


Personal Grooming

Early Years Education

Christmas Tasks

Life Skills

Christmas Tasks


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