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Wanted Non Verbal Communication

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User(s) looking for Non Verbal Communication:


Hello! I am a student at Ucl studying Maths with Economics.I have been professional swimmer for 10 years. I have also been runner for a long time and participated to many competitions including triathlons.If you want to lose weight or want someone to help you at the gym i am happy to help.If you need high school or lower level private maths teaching i am here to help! I did maths ,further maths and economics A levels and achieved A* ‘s in all so i have an experience. I am looking forward to help you!
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Yasmin Khan

My skills include arts and crafts, creative writing , drawing, English, supporting others and planning. I am planning on making printables soon for effective planning :) Feel free to contact me ♥
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Hello. I’m an experienced professional wanting to help with career tips and mentoring as well as teaching skills in many other areas (check out my skills list) Offering all completely free of charge because I’d like to help out and give something back. I also would have benefited from this help when I was younger.
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