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Offered Drums

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User(s) offering Drums:


I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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Hi, nice to meet you all. I am a medical doctor residing and working in Bali, Indonesia. I am also a non-certified active trader and investing consultant. Currently I am learning computer science mostly javascript coding.
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I am a young girl. 16 years old however my mindset is different. I’m here to help anyone. I am a musician and I offer to teach my skills to anyone. I can mentor anyone. I am here to listen and give advice. I charge £7.00 an hour.
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Hi, I have been a drummer for over 16 years, and during that time I have played with a variety of artists and bands, and became proficient in a variety of genres and drumming styles. I have also been tutoring drums and percussion for 8 years. I have extensive experience, both live and in the studio, and I have also graduated from a BMus Popular Music Performance degree on the drums, with First Honours, and a 'Best Drums' award. Throughout this time, I have taught myself to sing, play guitar and bass, and these skills have helped me with composition and arranging duties, too. I have also amassed experience in mixing/production, and I believe that these skills have helped me attain a level of musicianship that I did not have before. I am currently offering my services, both as a session drummer (both live and for studio recording), and a drum tutor. My lessons are carefully planned, and custom-made for you, but also fun and educative, and hopefully, they will inspire you to become the best drummer you can be. Between drum rudiments, grooves, coordination, reading, learning songs, and anything else, I can teach you what you want to learn, while ensuring that you evolve as a drummer while doing it!
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I am a hardworking and passionate individual, I own a car so transport isn’t an issue. I am happy to help with assembly, moving or repairs in the home.
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I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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