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User(s) offering Genealogy:


Hi! I joined because of Covid-19. I teach art conservation/restoration at the graduate level, and I also make quilts, sew, cook vegan food, and teach yoga.
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Hi, I'm Zoe mum to 2 beautiful boys. I have a level 4 in Finance and currently studying ACCA. I'm also qualified in Gel Polish, I have also done many family trees and love the investigative work. I have even managed to connect a child to their birth parents and all sides were so happy to have finally found each other. I also love Christmas, from decorating the house to the trees. I have done lots of online e gift wrapping tutorials so I know how to make your gifts look extra special if you need some help gift wrapping!
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I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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Hi there! Looking to learn some cool skills and meet people. Can teach interesting stuff too, check out my profile!
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I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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