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I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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Hi, I am a textiles designer. Specialise in hand embroidery and digital print design. I'd like to ask if theres any creative pattern cutters, tailores, dress makers, videographers, stylists and all team creative. I'd kike to offer my hand embroidery and digital design skills, as well as administration jobs, computer use teaching. Please get in touch. [email protected] 07956878975
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Hi there! I'm a young, fully-qualified education and healthcare professional offering some support in learning skills, proofreading, teaching English and other important life skills. I also have a keen interest in grooming, makeup and fashion and have taken those areas up as a long-standing hobby - therefore I am keen to support others and share my skills in these areas. I also take my domestic skills seriously, and I am passionate about cooking, baking and keeping a home clean. If you have any further questions, please let me know! Michelle
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Don't really mind payment as long as it's above minimal wage Please email.
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David Holbrook gardening maintenance garden tidys & rip outs all garden work & power washing, painting , fence repairs
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BaljinderKaur Hayer

I am SAHM and Model
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Lisa marie

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I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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