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Offered Law

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User(s) offering Law:


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Business intelligence developer. Background in law
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Ellahi Bukhsh Qureshi

A lawyer-cum-accountant with extensive experience of more than seven years in the field of accounting and taxation. A qualified chartered accountant from Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan and did Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws. Currently a student of LLM in Tax Laws from the Queen Mary University of London.
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I can help you learning Spanish, playing tennis or learning to play the piano. Proactive and positive individual.
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MahmoudI Kreidie

I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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Hello there! I’m a multi faceted individual who is skilled at tutoring, administrative work, selling online, digital marketing, social media and so much more.
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Juhi Tekrawala

I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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