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Wanted and Offered Tennis

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User(s) looking for or offering Tennis:


experience ballet student looking for tennis practise partner
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I am a man, with 2 college degrees. I currently live in California, USA
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Friendly and very active guy with mixture of skills
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Hey ! I'm a young Canadian living in Montreal. I am currently studying Bioresource Engineering. I love to read, learn, travel, go outdoors, meet new friends. I hope to acquire and share wonderful knowledge with this website!
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Im jack and a registered personal trainer. Most of my work is for the nhs in a psychiatric hospital. I also have numerous qualifications in sports coaching.
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I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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I can help you learning Spanish, playing tennis or learning to play the piano. Proactive and positive individual.
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I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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I am searching for someone to teach me various languages and including networking skills. In return, I could teach English, volunteer, dog walk and provide many more skills.
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Can offer help with a multitude of skills and tasks. Looking to have some dancing lessons and also an introduction to mountain walking.
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I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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Hey! I'm a Irish / Swedish music production graduate who's been living in London for 3 years now. I'm currently working freelance in the music industry and available for odd jobs throughout the week. Rates are negotiable, please message to discuss further.
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Friendly and very active guy with mixture of skills
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I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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