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Wanted and Offered Rugby

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User(s) looking for or offering Rugby:


I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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I am a hardworking and passionate individual, I own a car so transport isn’t an issue. I am happy to help with assembly, moving or repairs in the home.
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Hello, I'm currently a student at Aberystwyth University studying a Drama and Set Design degree. I'm happy to do any odd jobs you send my way, please don't hesitate to get in touch if my profile interests you!
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My fiance and I are looking for a few ways to earn some extra money to pay for our upcoming wedding next year. I am fluent in French, Andy my partner is brilliant at maths - we're both comfortable tutoring in these subjects. We're both practical people and not afraid to get our hands dirty so will also consider cleaning , flat-pack furniture building, gardening etc.
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