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I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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Hi all! Well I'm an avid linguist and lover of dance! Currently I am an English teacher and language tutor. When it comes to learning a new skill, practice and consistency are vital, but I often say motivation is the driving force behind acquiring any new skill. Every year I reevaluate my skillset and plan to develop myself professionally. It would be amazing to make connections with online users like myself who take pride in their specialisms and care to share!!
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LinaAtif Abdallah

I am an aspiring Doctor, based in Manchester right now hoping to be able to share my skills with those interested. My skills range from teaching others Biology and Sciences due to my background and teaching English since I have studied English for a long time and have previously also worked as a teacher in my home country.
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Hello! My name is Müge Sözen, and I am a Freelance English-Turkish Translator from Ankara, TÜRKİYE. I also give online English and Turkish conversation classes. So, if you are enthusiastic about having a formal conversation, having a talk in some business or daily life language, or just want to chat freely in English or Turkish, please drop me a line, and we can deep dive into the beauties of the languages, cultures, and lives together! Looking forward to meeting you in the next class! Kindly, Müge Sözen Ankara, TÜRKİYE
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